Whether you’re crushing your carnivore diet or you’re eating ground beef with eggs and bacon for the fourth day in a row, sometimes you need a little humor.

Here are 31 super hilarious carnivore memes, jokes, and quotes that are oh-so relatable. Enjoy!


It’s not just vegans preaching about their lifestyle. We carnivore eaters like to do it too!

RELATED: See all Carnivore Posts.


A day without bacon is like a day without sunshine!


Carnivore brings out the philosopher in us all.


Bacon just might be the key to world peace.

RELATED: It’s not quite bacon-level awesomeness, but Butter Bites are carnivore and delicious. Click to see the recipe.


Your friends, your doctors, random trolls viewing your Instagram… everyone has an opinion on your zero-carb lifestyle!


If I had a dollar for everyone who told me “you need to eat veggies” on a carnivore diet…


I’m thinking the answer is NO.


I don’t know about you, but I never get tired of looking at a beautifully seared steak!




On carnivore I haven’t had a rotten radish or slimy spinach in FOREVER!


Anyone else jealous of the next level bacon stash?!


I never thought raw meat was sexy until I went carnivore.


Good question!


Same. I’ll still take the massive dinosaur steak.


Bacon is a recurring theme in the carnivore world.


Sometimes I feel sorry for the guy who posts a pic of smoked brisket with a side of potato salad in the carnivore group. Y’all know he’ll be judged!

Turns out breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day after all.


As carnivores, it’s too easy to dunk on vegans. But still…


A well-done steak is also grounds for divorce.


Sigh. This is literally advice from the CDC for Type 2 diabetics.

Eat a variety of healthy foods. Eat all kinds of different foods from the major food groups: veggies, fruits, grains, dairy or dairy alternatives such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and other products made from soy, almonds, and cashews, and lean protein. Eating a variety of foods helps to make sure you get the vitamins and minerals you need. Source.


This may be the 5th bacon meme, but I’m sure it’s not the last!


Why mess with nature??


Indeed. 😎


If you’re new to keto or struggling to make keto fit your lifestyle, this is the program that taught me how to do keto and tailor it to fit my life, my preferences, and my body. Just click the image below to learn more.


Post in the comments if you find a recipe for carnivore Snickers!


Cheating is so not worth it.


It’s kind of miraculous, isn’t it?


It’s probably inappropriate to write a cannablist joke.


I once DID THAT for 4 days and it was the most miserable 4 days of my life.


The meat and cheese are looking pretty good right now. Good genetics from the carnivore parent.


Preaching to the choir, but stay away from processed crap!


A little risqué, but you get the point!


I hope these carnivore memes made you laugh!

—The Keto Minimalist


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Source link: https://theketominimalist.com/blog/funny-carnivore-memes-quotes by The Keto Minimalist at theketominimalist.com