I’m a lifer—depression for life. It’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t feel depressed. I was diagnosed for the first time at 14, and...
Chances are you’ve heard about CBD; it’s hard not to. It seems like you can’t walk into any health food store or even spa without seeing...
When I’m stressed, I generally have two polar opposite reactions to food. I either eat my body weight in pasta, chocolate, and other comfort food, or...
On average, you have around five dreams every night. Ranging from pleasant or sensible to nasty or utter nonsense, your dreams give you a glimpse into the subconscious...
If you are not engaging in sex as frequently as you like, you’re not alone. Sexual dissatisfaction and inactivity are increasing – recent research shows that 1...
Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed can take a toll on your mental health. There are several ways to manage negative emotions, such as therapy or meditation,...
‘Nervous poos’ or ‘anxiety poops’ are more common than you might think. If you find you’re pooping more when you’re stressed or anxious, don’t worry you...