I Tried CBD Oil for 30 Days. Here’s How I Feel

Chances are you’ve heard about CBD; it’s hard not to. It seems like you can’t walk into any health food store or even spa without seeing CBD for sale. It’s so sought-after these days that its move passed the people-only market and is popular among the pet community too.
I couldn’t stop hearing about CBD, and how it was so amazing for everything, like anxiety, pain stress, even asthma, so I had to try it. And so, I did, every day for 30 days.
If you’re wondering what CBD is and how it can make your life a little brighter, read on.
What is CBD?
Let’s get the technical stuff out of the way first.
CBD stands for cannabidiol, THC’s non-psychoactive cousin. I’m going to repeat that – non-psychoactive, as in – will not get you high.
CBD is the second most prevalent cannabinoid in cannabis and can be derived from the marijuana or hemp plant.
CBD performs multiple functions in the human body, and the research is still growing, but one significant way that CBD works is by supplementing the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The human ECS runs through our entire body, and it plays a critical part in our survival by maintaining homeostasis.
Bear with me; we’re almost there.
The ECS works with three components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes.
The endocannabinoids help bodily functions operate smoothly by binding to specific receptors. The enzymes break down endocannabinoids after they’ve finished doing their job.
Research shows that CBD inhibits the enzymes that break down naturally produced endocannabinoids, allowing them to stay in our bodies longer, and extending their calming and balancing effects.
One of the endocannabinoids that CBD reduces the breakdown of is anandamide, which gets its name from the Sanskrit Ananda, meaning bliss. Anandamide manages the production and uptake of serotonin and also regulates pain.
So with CBD, more of this bliss producing and pain-alleviating compound stays in our bodies for longer.
In addition to stress, mood, and pain relief, by supplementing the ECS, CBD can also help other vital body processes like immune response, sleep, appetite and metabolism, digestive function, inflammatory response, memory, pleasure and reward systems, fertility, and more stay regulated and perform optimally.
More Benefits of CBD
Clinical research on CBD is still limited, but the research that exists has found that CBD can:
What Did CBD Do For Me?
Now that you have an idea of what CBD is supposed to do, here’s what it actually did for me after 30 days.
(Here’s my review of the CBD oil I tried by the way!)
Easy Breezy Me (Well As Close As It Gets)
The main reason I wanted to try CBD was that I’m always anxious.
Everything from driving to booking flights gives me anxiety.
And let’s not forget the racing thoughts when my brain maps out every possible “what if” scenario for any action: queue racing heart and trouble breathing.
From the first time I took high-quality CBD, I almost instantly felt more mellow and way less anxious.
Over 30 days, I planned my daily CBD dose with my most anxious moments.
While CBD didn’t make my problems disappear, it made everything easier to deal with.
Even in those verge of panic attack moments where it’s hard to breathe or move, it filled me with a sense of calm, grounding, and presentness.
The anxiety that may have otherwise made me want to avoid things and head back to the comfort of my bed was put on the back burner. I was able to tackle whatever had to be done.
Fewer Aches and Pains
I don’t suffer from much physical pain in my life, something for which I have immense gratitude.
But, after arriving back in the states from traveling for five months and adjusting to the routine of things, I became a lot less active.
I went from walking miles and miles a day, going on hikes, climbing up and down cliffs, and more, to driving everywhere and not finding much time to exercise.
During the month when I was first trying CBD, I decided to work out again.
The next day my lower back was killing me. After a full dropper of CBD tincture, it completely went away.
CBD also made my menstrual cramps and body aches that come with them so much more bearable.
And CBD brought me some sweet relief from an awful migraine – the kind where every time you move, your whole head feels like it weighs a ton. After taking CBD, I stopped noticing any symptoms and was able to get on with my day.
Throughout the month, CBD also helped relieve stomach pains from indigestion when I overindulged in some not so healthy foods. It even helped keep me “regular,” if you know what I mean.
Alcohol Hangover Relief
I used to be the girl at the bar drinking straight tequila, not even shots, just straight glasses of tequila. Okay well, I took the shots too.
But I don’t drink much these days, other than some wine here or there or on special occasions.
The 30 days when I tested out CBD happened to coincide with a couple of weddings. The first wedding involved taking multiple shots for the first time in almost two years.
The second wedding was a more casual celebration with no vegan food options, which led me to foolishly drinking lots of prosecco on an empty stomach.
Rookie mistake, I know.
Both nights, I was ready for an unforgiving hangover in the morning, but CBD saved the day.
I took CBD both of the mornings after and was able to get on with my day, as usual. I wasn’t feeling 100% but close enough; no headaches, no nausea, no need to lay in bed all day.
I’d say that’s pretty impressive. Especially since the night of too many Proseccos hit me so hard that I had to leave the venue to go for a walk and keep from puking on the ride home.
Weed Hangover Relief
I’m not a big fan of the term weed hangover because I don’t think weed and alcohol hangovers are on the same page.
But, I have always experienced some symptoms after smoking weed, a “weed fog” if you will.
I don’t smoke much anymore because it usually makes me anxious. But other times with the right strain and setting, I feel on top of the world right after chilling with Mary Jane.
Either way, I usually don’t feel as great afterwards. Instead, brain fog, sleepiness, lethargy, crankiness, or the occasional slight headache settle in.
If I smoke at night, that means waking up with these symptoms the next morning.
But when I take CBD a few hours after smoking or right before bed, it feels as if I never smoked at all.
My boyfriend, who indulges in the medicinal magic of marijuana a lot more than I do also experienced these results.
CBD can counteract the effects of THC because it’s a negative allosteric modulator of the CB1 receptors.
In simpler terms, CBD and THC both bind to CB1 receptors, but in different areas.
When CBD binds, it changes the shape of the CB1 receptors. This makes THC less binding and reduces the psychoactive effects of THC.
With this reasoning, you should also be able to use CBD to reduce the effects of a too intense high, but I haven’t had to try this yet. But knowing I have the option, does relieve some of the anxiety that comes with THC.
A Reverse Tolerance
Studies show that unlike THC, CBD doesn’t build up a tolerance. Meaning if you keep taking CBD, you don’t have to take more and more each time to feel the effects.
Some people find that CBD has a reverse tolerance effect, meaning the more they take it, the less of it they need.
I mentioned before that I took my daily CBD dose when I was the most anxious. During the first week of taking CBD, there was no shortage of times that I wanted to take it. The second week was similar, but I was overall, less anxious.
During the third and fourth weeks, I felt so much less anxious than usual. I would forget to take my CBD until the late afternoon or evening or sometimes close to going to bed.
Anything that works well enough on my anxiety that I forget to take it because I’m not feeling as anxious is gold as far as I’m concerned.
A Bit of Bliss
I try to be a happy and optimistic person, and most of the time, I succeed, but I’ve also dealt with depressive thoughts and episodes since my early teens.
Sometimes these heavy, dark moments are fueled by literally nothing – my mind’s unfortunate version of a joke, and somehow, I’ve always missed the punchline.
Other times, it’s family issues. These hit me especially hard because as an empath, I feel people’s problems as my own, and feel like it’s my responsibility to fix them.
With CBD, even in these dark moments, there’s a bit of bliss that settles in for me. This little bit of bliss is enough to motivate me to get on with what I have to do with a greater sense of appreciation.
Or if I have nothing to do, it motivates me to go for a walk or paint or do something else I enjoy, which in turn boosts my mood even more.
Better Sleep and More Wakefulness
One of the noted benefits of CBD is helping relieve insomnia, so you might be wondering if it’s going to make you tired all the time.
The few times I took CBD close to bedtime, it did lead to a great night’s sleep. But when I took it during the day, it often inspired a greater feeling of wakefulness or awareness.
To better grasp how this works, it’s important to remember that CBD doesn’t work as a sedative when used as a sleep aid. Instead, it helps improve sleep by reducing anxiety and pain and bringing balance to the wake and sleep cycles.
If it helps, you can think of CBD as an adaptogen that works with your body’s natural rhythms to improve their function.
So, when taken during the day, CBD can help trigger wakefulness through its anti-anxiety and serotonin-boosting properties. At night it can help you get to sleep by relieving ailments that would otherwise keep you up.
If you’re worried about CBD making you too relaxed or not relaxed enough, many brands make specific blends designed to help you chill out or amp up.
Are There Any Downsides to CBD Oil?
I’ve been taking CBD for over 30 days now, and I haven’t noticed any downsides myself. But I’ve heard people mention that it can be rough on the liver.
The only studies that have proven a chance of liver toxicity caused by CBD have been animal studies. In these animal studies, any adverse effects are associated only with extremely high concentrations of CBD – way more than what you need.
Also, in cases related to CBD as a treatment for epilepsy, some participants reported symptoms like diarrhea, weight and appetite changes, and fatigue. These symptoms are a lot better than the side effects of pharmaceuticals for epilepsy.
Overall, research shows that CBD has a favorable safety profile in humans.
So, the cliché “even too much of a good thing can be bad” applies to CBD too. It’s all about using it in a way that helps you, not abusing it.
Getting the Most Out of CBD
To get the most out of CBD, you need to choose a reputable brand that’s using quality full or broad-spectrum hemp extract. This really matters.
You also need to play around with your dosage. I have a moderately sensitive system, so taking the recommended bottle dosage works just fine, but you might need a bit more or even less.
For the fastest and fullest effect, I like to keep the CBD tincture drops under my tongue for longer than the recommended 1-2 minutes, and I try to take it on an empty stomach.
Should You Try CBD?
Okay, CBD isn’t a cure-all, but I don’t think there is one.
But CBD does help, and it helped me a lot. Enough so that before the bottle I had for my 30 day trial period was even close to being finished, I ordered more CBD.
It might seem ridiculous for me to say that CBD has changed my life – but it has.
It’s like I have this little bottle of superpowers that gives me comfort in knowing that when I’m faced with overwhelming anxiety, I’m not feeling well because I have my period, or drank too much, or ate poorly, if I’ve strained my body, need a social boost, or need to elevate my mood, I can.
And I can do it in a natural way. That I think is something worth trying. So, if you ask me if you should try CBD, I 10/10 recommend.
Source link: by Neda Shamsdiba at
Stop Self Diagnosing: 5 Reasons to See a Doctor Instead

These days, it seems like everyone’s a doctor. From nutritional advice to various diagnostic testing services online to natural remedies for everything, it’s easy to find a treatment to almost every problem online.
Sites like WebMD and HealthLine can allow you to quickly look up your symptoms to determine the most likely trigger. Self-diagnosing can be helpful in a pinch (when you need a quick way to bandage a small cut or advice on how to subside a headache), but it may be doing you more harm than good.
Here are five reasons why you might want to seek the advice of a medical professional, rather than self-diagnosing.
1. Online Credibility Can be Questionable
Sure, nerdygUrl684 on that well-established health forum has great advice on coping with depression, but you have no idea who she is. Is she really a licensed therapist? Did she really suffer from depression? And even if so, how can you be sure the natural treatment plan that worked for her will help you?
The truth is, you can’t. Every individual is different and if you’re suffering from a mental illness, working out a treatment plan with a therapist is your best course of action. They can unbiasedly assess your progress and work on goals that best fit your health goals.
The same goes for physical symptoms. Just because a so-called doctor online recommended dietary changes to improve your gut issues, doesn’t mean you should skip the doctor. You might need immediate treatment to help improve your problems, along with making nutritional changes.
2. Home Remedies Can Be Dangerous
Natural remedies are great. Many people want to avoid taking antibiotics, since they can hurt your immune system and cause other problems. And if you can avoid antibiotics and get better, that’s awesome! But don’t forget that antibiotics save lives every day and are a valid form of treatment.
This is particularly important when dealing with women’s health issues. There are many natural remedies online for yeast and other vaginal infections that can be downright scary or even painful to try out. And many of these remedies can make your problems worse or lead to new issues.
Natural remedies are great, but try working with a naturopath or physician who is open to alternative medicine, instead.
3. You Can’t Be Objective About Yourself
Many times psychological illnesses have physical components that people misdiagnose on their own. Those stomach ulcers are physical, without a doubt, but they may be linked to severe anxiety.
Your acne might be helped with topical creams from stores or your kitchen cupboard, but your might be overlooking a problem on the inside that a doctor would catch.
You can’t be objective about your own health or state of mind, no matter how logical you are. Not visiting a doctor can be severely detrimental to your health and can lead to even worse problems down the line.
4. You Can Make Yourself Sick
We’ve all hopped on WebMD and typed in our symptoms, fearing for the worse. It’s hard to find a string of symptoms that doesn’t indicate that you might have cancer or another serious disease.
Even when the odds are likely that you don’t, worrying about the threat of disease can lead you to thinking every mental or physical ailment is a sign of the worst.
That headache? Obviously a brain tumor. Your nervousness about a big interview? Crippling anxiety. That pain in your chest? You’re having a heart attack.
Constantly searching for answers to strange symptoms can lead us to believe we’re always sick or developing worse problems. Googling your symptoms can turn you into a hypochondriac and make you paranoid about every sneeze, cough, or hiccup.
5. WebMD is a Database, Not a Doctor
It’s great having access to medical information whenever you want it, but remember, WebMD and similar sites are databases with stored information. Just look at some of the symptoms of the diseases you’re looking up: headache, nausea, dizziness… they’re common symptoms for so many diseases, both mental and physical!
Talking to your doctor and allowing them to run tests, if needed, is the only way to be sure about your diagnosis and this certainty will allow you peace of mind.
Stop making yourself sick by self-diagnosing and make an appointment with your family doctor, instead.
Source link: by Courtney Johnston at
How to Practice Yoga at Home

These days, Yoga is a popular practice in North America, and for good reason: the ancient Eastern practice can bring many physical and mental benefits to its practitioners. Some of its most touted benefits include increased flexibility, weight loss, and an improved sense of well-being.
There are now over 6000 yoga studios across the U.S. which offer guided classes to seasoned yogis and beginners alike.
But yoga memberships are expensive and not everyone feels comfortable practicing yoga in a studio environment (especially if you’re just starting out).
Over the years, I’ve come to prefer practicing yoga in the comfort of my home, so that I can flow how I want, at my own pace. (Plus, there’s no one around to witness my face plants whenever I topple over in bakasana pose!)
Even better, a yoga practice from home is cost-effective and easy to start! If you’re brand new to yoga, here are seven steps to start practicing yoga at home:
1. Attend a Live Yoga Class First
Although not strictly necessary, I would highly recommend attending a few live yoga classes first if you are a total beginner. The reason is that it can be really difficult to know if you’re doing the poses correctly without a teacher there to explain how to get into the poses and how to modify them where necessary.
Even the most basic poses, like Downward facing dog, are surprisingly easy to goof up without guidance.
I can’t tell you how many moments I had in a yoga class when I was (somewhat smugly) thinking I was doing a pose correctly, but then my teacher would gently adjust me this way or that, and suddenly I’d have a lightbulb moment like, “Ahh, that’s what I should be doing!”)
Most yoga studios do offer a few free or discounted classes for new students. It’s worth the investment to go a few times just to have a foundation on which to build your home practice.
2. Pick Your Spot
One of my favorite things about Yoga is you don’t need much space to get ‘er done. If you can roll out your mat and spread your arms out without touching anything, you’re good to go.
However, there are still a few factors to consider.
If you have any pets, assume with certainty that they will get in the way. My cat loves to walk through my arms and stick her butt in my face during downward-facing dog. I make sure she is in another room while I’m practicing so that I’m not worried about stepping or tripping over her.
I’ve heard that dogs are even worse for this. (Even though you can apparently incorporate them into your practice with one of the newer yoga trends, “Doga”.)
And if you have family or housemates around, I don’t recommend using the living room unless you know for sure no one else will be using it. Trying to flow through sun salutations while your sister is watching the Kardashians is a decidedly un-Zen experience.
You could even try moving your practice outside as some yogis find that nature and sunlight help their practice.
3. Buy a Quality Yoga Mat (and Optional Accessories)
Another great thing about yoga is that you don’t need much equipment at all to get started, just comfortable clothes and a mat.
However, yoga mat shopping is not the time to be frugal. Cheap mats will cause you to slide around (possibly hurting yourself), or they may bunch up and tear.
Take it from me; a poor quality mat is really distracting and discouraging so it’s worth investing in a good one. (B Mat is hands down my favorite!)
How to Choose the Best Yoga Mat
Learn how to choose the right yoga mat for you, and see our favorites!
Other than that, you don’t need much else. Of course, there is a ton of Yoga gear you can spend money on if you want to; everything from bolsters to blocks and straps. But most of these things are easily substituted with household items, like books instead of blocks, or a belt instead of a strap.
Other nice-to-have accessories for a home yoga practice are a mirror and a portable speaker. The mirror helps if you have one available as it can help you see if you’re doing the poses correctly, and the speaker is for yoga music that gets you in the right headspace for your session.
4. Set an Intention for Your Yoga Journey
What do you want to get out of your yoga practice? More flexibility? Greater strength? A way to tame nervous energy? Just want to figure out how to stand on your head?
There are any number of reasons to practice so setting an intention before you start can help you put a game plan in place and build a consistent routine.
Then once you’ve chosen a goal, decide how often you will practice and schedule it into the calendar.
Because if you don’t schedule it, you aren’t going to do it. Trust me on this.
5. Choose a Yoga Style
When I first started looking into yoga, I was surprised and a little overwhelmed to learn that there are a plethora of yoga styles to choose from, some wildly different than others. But since you have already set goals and an intention for your practice, it should be relatively easy to narrow down which yoga styles you’d like to try.
Hatha yoga is probably the most common in the U.S. and typically a more basic style of yoga that’s great for beginners.
Ashtanga or Vinyasa will be more your speed if you’re looking for weight loss, while Restorative yoga a more passive form that’s great for relaxation and mental well-being.
But those styles are just the tip of the iceberg! Read up on a few different styles and find the one that seems to best support your yoga goals.
6. Find a Virtual Yoga Teacher
While you could practice yoga on your own without any guidance, I would really recommend finding virtual yoga classes to guide your practice. Virtual yoga classes are my favorite because they keep your practice fresh, structured, and challenging.
However, there are a ton of yoga apps and online platforms out there, and sifting through them can be a bit overwhelming. My top recommendation is MyYogaWorks which has hundreds of classes and dozens of teachers to choose from, for every style and experience level.
MyYogaWorks: The Netflix of Yoga
Check out our review of MyYogaWorks below!
MyYogaWorks also has “Yoga Journeys” with pre-planned classes and you can also make your own class “playlists” and schedule them into whatever digital calendar you like to use.
7. Practice Safely
The most important thing to remember when embarking on a home yoga practice is that yoga shouldn’t hurt. Yes, yoga should be challenging, but do not force yourself into poses that are painful or you could end up with pulled muscles or worse!
I once pulled a muscle in my neck doing a supported shoulder stand and it took months to recover.
Start with easier, shorter classes and work your way up as you build more strength, flexibility, and stamina. You will be shocked at how much bendier and stronger you are after just a couple weeks of 10-15 minute classes!
If you are looking to do more advanced poses I would really recommend going to a yoga class or maybe one-on-one yoga teaching in-home. Always put safety first so that you don’t end up being transported to the hospital looking like a mangled pretzel.
Start Practicing Yoga at Home
When practiced safely and intentionally, a home yoga practice can be a great way to improve your overall health and well-being.
My favorite thing about a home yoga practice is that it truly becomes your practice. If I want to spend ten minutes in my favorite restorative pose, or work on my arm balances during my lunch break, it’s just a matter of unfurling my mat.
It’s such a great feeling when you know that a dose of physical and mental energy is just a yoga mat away!
Source link: by Corrie Alexander at
How to Go to Sleep Earlier: 9 Simple Tips

Nobody wants to deal with sleep problems.
Getting a full night’s sleep is not only important to ensure you’re alert and ready to go the next morning, but it’s also important for your physical and mental health.
Sleep is essential to your overall health, and yet many struggle to get enough sleep at night. Whether it’s due to sleep problems, poor sleeping habits or even your daytime habits (yes, what you do during the day effects how you sleep at night), not being able to fall asleep is a common problem.
Read on to find out why you should make sleep a priority in your life and how to get yourself on a better sleep schedule.
Why Regular Sleep is Important
When you’re asleep, your body undergoes important physical maintenance. During REM sleep (or deep sleep), your body recharges your heart, heals damaged cells and blood vessels, and helps boost your immune system.
It can also ensure you’re more productive and mentally balanced, while reducing anxiety. So you can probably understand why forming good sleep habits and getting good sleep every night is so important, right?
However, 1 out of 5 Americans suffer from sleep disorders, preventing them from falling or staying asleep (sleep loss). This can cause a myriad of other disorders, all stemming from a lack of sufficient 5eep.
If you have sleep problems and struggle to fall asleep at night or find yourself parked in front of the TV or computer until 2 am, there are some helpful tips you can take advantage of to help yourself fall asleep earlier, every night.
9 Tips To Help You Go To Sleep Earlier
You may think you’re a night owl, but once you get on a regular sleep routine, you may change your mind. Here are five tips to help you successfully get to bed earlier.
1. Create an Evening Bedtime Routine
Setting a scheduled bedtime is one of the easiest ways to solve your sleep problems.
This tip won’t work for everyone, especially if you’re constantly working odd hours. However, if you have a predictable job, regular school schedule, or flexibility to manage your own calendar, then take advantage of it by planning your bedtime routine.
The general premise here according to sleep experts, is to set a time to set a specific bedtime and stick to it — even on weekends. Your circadian rhythm thrives on routine and will help ensure you get better REM sleep. You’ll find yourself actually becoming tired at bedtime and your mind will be in sleep mode.
2. Set an Electronic Curfew
Unplugging from electronic devices can help your mind destress and prepare for sleep. You might think you’re relaxing when watching TV or playing a game, but you’re really keeping your mind engaged and active and preventing yourself from getting quality sleep.
If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, research shows that electronics may be to blame. Even if you’re tossing and turning, resist the urge to reach for your phone. The blue light emitted from electronics can actually halt melatonin and prevent your body from falling asleep easily.
3. Ditch Your Alarm Clock
Most of us have alarm clocks on our phone, but some people prefer old fashioned clocks or alarm clocks. If you can read your clock at night, though, it’s more likely to interfere with your sleep.
Have you ever woken up, only to look at the time and realized you only had an hour and a half left to sleep before your alarm went off? This disruption can interfere with your sleep cycle and natural circadian rhythm, and some people may even find it impossible to fall back asleep, getting up earlier than planned, instead.
Instead of looking to the clock and getting anxious about when you have to wake up, remove the temptation altogether. While you shouldn’t look at your phone, if you think you’ll be tempted, plug it in away from the bed, so you’ll need to get up to peek at it.
4. Eat Four Hours Before Bedtime
Eating late at night really can keep you awake. When the stomach is digesting food, it’s harder for your body to understand it’s time to shut down and go to sleep. To avoid this, it’s recommended you have your last meal a minimum of four hours before you go to bed.
This means if your bedtime is 10:30 pm, you should eat dinner at 6:00 pm or earlier to ensure you give your body adequate time to digest. You also need to eliminate late night snacking — even a small snack can impact your sleep cycle.
5. Establish Bedtime Rituals
If you’re dealing with a sleep problem, one of the first things you should think about is your bedtime habit. What are you doing immediately before you lay down?
Creating a pre-bedtime routine can really help your body get in sync and ready for sleep. Doing the same things every night, in the same order can help your body anticipate sleep, helping you fall asleep faster.
Now, everyone has different sleep requirements to “get them in the mood”. But in general, your pre-bedtime rituals should be lowkey and soothing.
Washing your face, showering, taking a bath, and brushing your teeth are standard tasks to add to a routine. You might even want to add calming activities like listening to soothing music, or reading for 15 minutes to the start of your routine. Any type of relaxation technique that puts you at rest should work.
Heck, some people even like to do some relaxing exercises like deep stretching or yoga. And there are some people who just have so much energy throughout the day that they need strenuous nighttime exercises in order to fall asleep.
If it helps you relax, you might want to incorporate it into your bedtime routine.
6. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment
The reason you go to sleep so late might not have anything to do with a sleep problem.
Some people have a tough time going to sleep earlier simply because their environment isn’t set up for a good night’s rest. Everything from the sounds around you to your mattress and pillow impact your sleep environment.
Luckily there are some quick things you can do to fix that. Obviously, invest in a quality mattress and pillows (seriously, don’t skimp out here). Instead of buying a cheap $50 boxspring mattress off Craigslist, find a mattress that fits your sleeping style. Here’s a guide to help.
Second, if you live somewhere noisy like in a major city, invest in some earplugs if you’re not able to drown out the noise. Quietness is a must-have for a good sleep environment.
And for my night owls out there who work overnight and sleep during the day, get yourself a sleep mask to help block out the sun (black-out curtains help too).
Do whatever you need to create a comfortable sleep environment that lets you relax and unwind.
7. Don’t Rely on Sleep Medicine & Other Sleep Aids
As tempting as it might be to get a bottle of sleeping pills and sleep aids, try to avoid it if possible. That is, unless your doctor tells you that you have a severe sleep problem or sleep behavior disorder that requires medication.
The reason being is you don’t want to become dependent on medication in order to get some peaceful slumber.
8. Change Your Wakeup Time
The best cure for your sleep problem could be to change your wake time and morning routine. Some people don’t realize it, but your sleep habits also include what happens when you wake up.
So if you want to go to sleep earlier, you need to wake up earlier as well. Think about it. If you’re waking up at 11:00AM every day, the chances of you being tired enough to go to sleep at 10:00PM are slim since your body has only been awake for less than 12 hours.
So how do you wake up earlier? Well, the same way you set a regular bedtime and sleep routine, you’ll need a regular wake time and morning routine. It might be going for a run first thing in the morning, or showering and early meditation.
The key is just to establish a routine so your body gets in the habit of waking up at a certain time every morning. And of course, it’ll help your body’s sleep rhythm as well since you’re going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day.
9. Nap With Caution
When you’re not sleeping enough at night, your body’s natural reaction is to get sleepy during the day. And of course, that leads to naps.
Naps can be a nice way to recharge your body in the middle of a long grueling day. But be careful! If you’re taking too many naps or napping for too long, it might make your sleep deprivation even worse.
Remember, your body has a natural circadian clock that it wants to follow. Taking a nap in the middle of the day for hours can throw that off.
So how long should you nap? Generally the shorter the better. But according to some sleep research conducted by NASA, 40-minute naps improved alertness 100%.
Say Goodbye to Sleep Deprivation & Hello to the Best Sleep of Your Life
Falling asleep can be stressful for many of us, and sleep deprivation is no joke. But trying to set a regular bedtime and sleep schedule can help your body fall asleep more easily. Try incorporating these tips into your life to sleep better and see if you’re able to finally wake up feeling recharged and renewed.
Source link: by Courtney Johnston at
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