My 60-Day Results on a Carnivore Diet: Female, Joint Pain, IBS

If you are reading this, likely you follow a carnivore diet or are thinking about starting an animal-based way of eating.
This blog post is all about my carnivore experience from days 30 through 60.
Sometimes when you scroll your Instagram feed or read YouTube video comments, you discover miraculous stories of a carnivore diet healing auto-immune disease, you hear about rapid weight loss, boundless energy, strength gains in the gym, and aches and pains disappearing.
Miracle testimonials were what convinced me to start a carnivore way of eating.
My carnivore journey has not been a miracle, so far anyway. There have been lots of benefits, and some struggles. I want to share the real story of my experience in full transparency. I do this because I want you to know that sometimes healing takes time to happen. Sometimes the results you seek don’t come immediately (or at all).
I want to give you a sneak peek into my second thirty days of carnivore.
This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. This means if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclosures here.
RELATED: My 30 Day Results on Carnivore Diet: Female, Joint Pain, IBS
I committed to 90 days of carnivore.
I started my carnivore journey mainly to reduce my joint pain. I have osteoarthritis in my knees (and other joints, dang it), as well as inflammatory arthritis, which is an auto-immune disease.
I made a list of what I HOPED would happen after 90 days on a meat-based diet.
Reduce my joint pain and eventually be able to wean off my arthritis meds (methotrexate). This was the biggest priority and I would be thrilled if I only reached this goal.
Have no more symptoms of IBS. I’ve dealt with bathroom issues my entire adult life and it causes a lot of anxiety.
Reduce or stop my blood pressure medication.
Lose 20 pounds.
Feel like a fit, healthy, active VIBRANT woman again. Vibrant is my word of the year and when I started carnivore I didn’t often feel very energetic, bright, or vibrant.
RELATED: If you want the long-winded story of EXACTLY why I started a carnivore diet, you can read it here: 6 Reasons Why I Started a Carnivore Diet: What REALLY Convinced Me
having multiple textures and flavors on one plate makes for an interesting meal.
What I did differently in month two.
The first 30 days of carnivore was a real learning process. I was getting used to eating meat only, my digestion was changing (mostly for the better), and I had some ups and downs and feelings of deprivation.
In the second month, I settled into a routine. I had morning coffee with cream, then ate lunch and dinner. By the end of month two I rarely snacked between meals because I was learning just how much food I needed to stay satisfied. There were times when I had a night snack just because I wanted to, but it was always a carnivore snack, usually pork rinds with a cream cheese dip.
I decided to wean off dairy by the end of month two.
After one month of carnivore, I had no change in my joint pain. As much as I was reluctant to do so, I felt I owed it to myself to give up dairy… eventually. So I decided during days 30-60 I would start tapering down dairy so that month three would be dairy-free.
I LOVE heavy cream in my coffee. Giving this up would be hard so I did it at the very end of the month.
In my first 30 days, I relied on cheese quite a bit for variety and taste. I snacked on cheese when I was hungry because #1 I love the taste, and #2 it’s an easy grab-and-go snack.
I had quite a bit of meat aversion in month one so dairy filled that void when I just could not stomach eating another piece of beef or gnawing on a chicken leg.
I stopped using heavy cream in my coffee at the end of month 2.
I started supplementing with iodine.
I watched a video (sorry I don’t remember which one or I would link it) that mentioned supplementing with iodine can be beneficial for women to help make thyroid hormones which help keep cells and metabolic rate healthy.
I bought J.CROW’S® Lugol’s Solution of Iodine 2% on Amazon (it was recommended in the video) and started adding 2 drops each morning in my coffee. You can’t taste the iodine in the coffee which is good since it is disgusting on its own.
Does it help? I have no idea.
I started supplementing with 2 drops of iodine in month 2 to keep cells healthy.
I started tracking my food and macros more closely.
When I started carnivore I purposefully decided NOT to log my food in MyFitnessPal every day. I wanted to learn to trust my body and its hunger and fullness signals.
Obsessively tracking is also a “diet behavior” that can sometimes lead to negative feelings. Days 1-30 I rarely tracked macros, but I did write down what I ate in my online journal, Evernote.
After watching a video where Kelly Hogan and Dr. Elizabeth Bright discussed the importance of high fat when women eat carnivore, I started logging my food in MyFitnessPal almost every day. You can watch the video here:
I started making batches of Brown Butter Bites for the days I needed to increase my fat.
Related: EASY Brown Butter Bites Recipe | Keto Fat Bombs | Carnivore Candy
I started supplementing with Vitamin C.
All the popular carnivore experts say that vitamin C needs are much lower on a low- or zero-carb diet and you don’t need to supplement. That may be true but I don’t want to be the one carnivore dieter who winds up with scurvy! So in addition to my daily multivitamin, I added a separate Vitamin C supplement.
Later I read that vitamin C supplements may cause heartburn. GERD is a big issue for me so I need to evaluate whether or not to continue supplementing.
I started taking a THC gummy at night to help with sleep.
My sleep sucks and has for a long time. Now that I live in a marijuana-legal state I visited a local dispensary and bought 10mg THC sleep gummies. I started with half a gummy (5mg of THC and only 4 grams of carbs) but settled on 1/4 of a gummy. It has only 2 grams of carbs and helps me sleep through the night much better.
RELATED: Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto and Low-Carb Diets: What’s the difference?
I cheated this month.
It would be easy to skip over Day 55 of my carnivore journey, but I want to share it with you.
I cheated.
Rather, I chose to eat foods that were not carnivore.
I finished a bag of red M&M’s leftover from my Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl party (about 3/4 cup), and ate a small bowl of my favorite cereal, Corn Chex.
Looking at my journal I see I was discouraged as I approached 60 days on carnivore. Some days, in particular THIS day, I doubted that a carnivore diet was working for me.
All I wanted was for my joints to stop hurting, you know?
When I allow myself to wallow in self-pity and doubt and confusion apparently I make bad choices.
I didn’t have a craving for those M&M’s. It wasn’t like the old days when I used to binge eat and felt out of control when I did it. I could have easily stopped myself.
But I didn’t.
The M&M’s tasted good. At first. The more I munched, the more sickeningly sweet and artificial they started tasting.
I have nothing bad to say about the Corn Chex, ha ha. It is one of my favorite foods.
When I was done eating, that was the end of it. I had control throughout. I decided to not allow myself to feel guilty about eating off-plan.
Honestly, I’m glad it happened.
I had no scary repercussions. I didn’t continue to binge. I didn’t have horrible stomach problems the next day. I didn’t get bloated or gain weight.
Sometimes we make choices that are probably not the best. I cannot justify eating candy AT ALL. But I did and got right back on plan. I learned that I can “cheat” and it’s really not a big deal. It doesn’t mean I am a failure. It doesn’t mean I have zero self-control.
So if you follow carnivore and occasionally veer off the path, know it’s ok. You are not alone. It’s no big deal.
Some of the meals I enjoyed during days 31-60 of carnivore.
I repeated many of the meals I had during month one, like bacon and eggs, filet mignon with butter, and crispy chicken thighs.
I also ate:
Oven-roasted St. Louis-style pork ribs.
Pork rinds with homemade blue cheese dip.
Smoked turkey and pimento cheese (from a local BBQ restaurant)
Egg wraps with pepperoni and mozzarella.
Rotisserie chicken with homemade gravy (reduced chicken bone broth with a splash of cream).
Pan-sauteed bread cheese (also known as Finnish squeaky cheese). OMG, this is ADDICTIVE! I will miss bread cheese when I go dairy-free next month.
Homemade Brown Butter Bites (Check out the recipe here.)
Carnivore pancakes or chaffles – so yummy! (Here’s the recipe.)
Lobster tail with melted butter and scallops.
Pan-fried catfish with Old Bay seasoning.
Prime rib with homemade sour cream horseradish sauce and deviled eggs for Easter dinner.
A big gooey ham and cheese omelet.
A carnivore-friendly Chipotle bowl with double chicken, sour cream, and queso blanco.
If you haven’t tried bread cheese (there is no bread or carbs in it!) then do so! It reminds me of cheese curds and you pan fry it in butter to make the outer edges crispy and the inside is soft and delish!
RELATED: A Carnivore’s Guide to Ordering at Chipotle
What the carnivore “influencers” never talk about.
Some people seem to take to carnivore immediately. They love all the food they eat, post photos of artfully arranged meats on Instagram, and never cheat, never have a bad meal, never question their decision to eat this way.
I am not like that.
Even in this, my second month, I had doubts about whether this was the right diet choice for me. I often don’t enjoy my meals. I get on the scale and it doesn’t move and I get frustrated. My joints still hurt but the people commenting on Dr. Berry’s YouTube videos were healed in two weeks. Why can’t I heal like they do?
I have a lot of emotional drama around carnivore.
So if you are new to carnivore and are questioning if it’s right for you, or if you are thinking of starting and hope that life will suddenly be perfectly-seared medium-rare ribeyes and roses, welp it’s not.
Do I think it’s worth it? So far yes.
It hasn’t always been easy and it sure hasn’t always been fun, but the pros outweigh the cons at this point.
My 60-day carnivore results – the good, the bad, and the jury is still out.
I did not have any miraculous results in my first 30 days of carnivore but I did make some progress and had even more healing in month 2.
I am sharing my results categorized so you can see the good that has come from this big dietary change, what I don’t like about carnivore, and the areas where I am still waiting to see results.
You can enjoy seafood on a carnivore diet!
Good (and great!) results after 60 days of a carnivore diet.
My IBS is so much better after 60 days on carnivore.
My IBS is significantly improved. I’m not ready to say I’m cured or that I’ll never struggle again, but this is the most dramatic result of all and I am THRILLED!
Trigger warning: if talking about poop bothers you, please skip to the next section, ha ha. But if you have IBS and can relate, here is the down-and-dirty low-down of my IBS journey after 2 months of a carnivore diet.
Even after one month of carnivore my body and digestion slowed down in a very good way. Most days I poop once, shortly after I wake up. THAT’S IT.
This is coming from a woman who usually went to the bathroom 3 times before lunch. And often later in the day too!
I don’t get gas, I don’t have stomach upset, and I never get bloated.
I would say the only “symptom” remaining is anxiety about going out. If you have IBS you can probably relate. You remember that one time when you literally had to sprint for a toilet. Experiences like that stick with you, sadly.
For years I would take what I call a “travel imodium” when leaving the house for more than an hour or so. Sometimes I’d take more than one Imodium “just in case.”
I basically would constipate myself so I wouldn’t have to use the bathroom.
During month one I continued this practice, especially because diarrhea is a known side effect of your body adjusting to a meat-only diet.
Days 30-60 I mostly stopped that practice. Popping Imodium became rare.
I cannot even tell you how THRILLED I am that my digestion has changed so radically. I have tried EVERYTHING to help my IBS over the years.
Who would have thought the healthy fruits and vegetables I was eating likely contributed to my IBS??
Chaffles helped me get protein and fat in when I wasn’t in the mood for meat. Click the image for the recipe.
I lost 6 pounds during the second month of carnivore for a total loss of 9 pounds in 60 days.
I was pretty disappointed to only have lost 3 pounds during month one of carnivore.
In month 2 I lost 6 pounds, for a total of 9 pounds in 60 days. What’s more, I can see the difference in the mirror.
I’ve lost inches 11.75 inches in 60 days of carnivore.
During month one I only lost 3 pounds but my body got smaller. I lost 7.25 inches, mainly in my hips and waist.
In the second month of my diet I lost an additional 4.5 inches, for a total of 11.75 inches lost.
My clothes feel looser, particularly in the waist. My size 12’s (which were tight in the waist when I started) are now baggy.
The size 10 jeans I was able to (barely) zip and button on day 30, I now WEAR!
So in 60 days, I lost one dress size.
Part of me wants faster results, but if in another 60 days (around June 22) if I could be a size 8 I will be THRILLED.
I haven’t worn these size 10 jeans since covid. I’m very happy!
Cravings are almost non-existent after 60 days of carnivore.
My cravings disappeared by the end of month one and they are still mostly gone.
Do I think about how nice it would be to munch on gooey, cheesy Baconator fries? Sure.
Does that thought cause me to drive to the nearest Wendy’s for a double order?
I rarely snack, and I eat just 2 meals a day.
By the end of month one I settled into a pattern of morning coffee with cream (and sometimes a slice or two of bacon to share with my dog) and then 2 meals. This is still my pattern after 60 days of a carnivore diet.
Any snacking is either because I under-ate at a meal, or because I WANT to. So yes, I still feel the pull of emotional eating. If I do snack, it is strict carnivore. No cheating (except for that one time).
I cook at home more than ever before and am saving money.
Though I occasionally enjoy a carnivore restaurant meal, most days I cook at home. It’s nice having total control of the ingredients in my meals.
Our grocery bill is lower than it used to be even with the price of eggs right now. I spend way less time grocery shopping on carnivore. I skip browsing most of the aisles and just look for meat, seafood, eggs, and dairy!
Aldi is a great place to shop for carnivore eats! I got a great deal on standing rib roasts right before easter.
After 60 days of a carnivore diet, I really BELIEVE my body is healing.
Do I have dramatic and amazing results so far? No.
But deep down I really believe my body is healing. It’s hard to describe but I feel sure that I am on the right path.
Our bodies are all different. We have been sick or overweight, or dealing with certain issues for long periods of time. It is unrealistic to assume we will heal overnight.
I am sleeping deeper on 60 days of carnivore.
As I mentioned, I started taking 2.5mg of a THC gummy to help with sleep, so I probably cannot credit the carnivore diet. Still, it makes me happy to usually sleep through the night.
I love making a homemade totally carnivore version of Starbuck’s bacon and cheese egg bites.
I’m still waiting to see results.
My joint pain has not improved after 60 days of a carnivore diet.
While I haven’t had any arthritis flares, I cannot feel a difference in my joint pain.
I do rate my days as GOOD, OK, or BAD, mainly so I can report to my rheumatologist. Almost all the days were OK, meaning I have stiffness and some degree of achiness.
This is a little disappointing since healing my joints was my number one reason for starting a carnivore diet.
My heartburn has not decreased.
As I wrote in my blog post about days 1-30 on carnivore, I take Nexium every other day to keep heartburn under control. Even after two months of a carnivore diet, I have not been able to extend the time between doses to three days.
Every time I try I get horrible GERD and can’t sleep. I will cross my fingers that this improves!
My blood pressure is normal, but I can’t reduce my medication.
Despite sticking to my animal-based diet I can’t reduce my blood pressure medicine (Lisinopril) at this time. My readings are normal, but I am on the birth control pill which keeps it elevated.
What I do NOT love about carnivore after 60 days.
I sometimes have emotional drama over following a carnivore diet and many times I do not enjoy my food.
Why oh why can’t I be like the people you see on Instagram posting pics of perfectly medium-rare ribeyes, or artfully arranged plates of chaffles, grilled burgers, and poached eggs??
I get tired of meat. Sorry, but I want to be honest.
I think that’s why I have clung to dairy so much and feel a real reluctance to give it up. It gives me relief from meat, poultry, and seafood.
I leaned a little bit more into seafood this month. It helps alleviate the boredom I sometimes experienced with eating meat.
There have been times I considered quitting carnivore.
I have doubts and when I can’t bear the thought of eating another burger, or when my knees say “please, no more stairs!” I do fantasize about quitting.
When that happens I try to journal my thoughts and separate emotional drama from facts.
For me, it boils down to the question… what if carnivore IS the right path for me? I will never know if I quit. And if I quit now, I’m not going to try it again.
So I remind myself that I committed to 90 days of this way of eating and continue.
Even if I’m not happy about it.
I seem to be really low energy lately.
I keep hoping to have the boundless energy that some on a carnivore diet speak of! I am often tired, particularly in the afternoons. I think I am eating enough. I drink one coffee in the morning and don’t want to drink more to energize myself.
I am overly critical about my food choices, amounts of food, etc.
People talk about carnivore as a way of life, but let’s be clear. In the beginning, it feels like a “diet.” There are rules and foods you can and cannot eat. I have always been super hard on myself and even more so with carnivore than when I ate keto.
I try to journal my (often irrational and judgmental) thoughts and speak the truth about them.
Pork ribs are simple to make in the oven and are super tasty.
I am proud of myself for completing 60 days of carnivore.
Even though it’s not all been happy times, perfectly cooked filets, and I still struggle with joint pain, GERD, and other issues, I am super proud of myself for persevering.
In my journal I listed reasons I am proud of myself and I’ll share it with you here:
I am proud of me because:
I am losing weight.
I am down a full dress/pant size.
I have kept up with this for 60 f*cking days!
I believe my body is healing.
I had a few very stressful days and I did not turn to junk food or sugar except on one occasion. And I got right back on plan.
This is hard and I CAN DO HARD THINGS.
So this concludes my check-in and 60-day results. Please return to see my 90-day results which I will be publishing soon.
I hope you found my 60-day carnivore results helpful. My only goal in sharing is for people to be aware that some people struggle with a carnivore diet. Some people find it hard and quit.
Some people (who are ultra stubborn!) struggle and still continue, like me.
Look beyond the perfection of Facebook and Instagram for how your carnivore experience should be. Look at your life and your goals and you are the only one who can decide if an animal-based diet is right for you.
Wishing you good health!!
–The Keto Minimalist
Source link: by The Keto Minimalist at
Keto Pumpkin Spice Protein Bread Recipe | Low-Carb

I just finished Dr. Gabrielle Lyon’s book Forever Strong, which stresses the importance of getting enough quality protein to maintain healthy muscle and even gain muscle mass. Eating enough quality protein is especially important as we age.
A protein-forward diet can not only help with muscle, but it can balance blood sugar, increase energy, improve mental clarity, and positively affect sleep.
I enjoy lots of meat, fish, and eggs but sometimes I prefer getting my protein in the form of something that tastes like a decadent treat.
Enter this Keto Pumpkin Spice Protein Bread recipe. It mixes up quickly and smells like gingerbread while baking. It’s not overly sweet like a traditional pumpkin bread made with lots of sugar and flour, and it packs lots of protein into a delicious mini loaf.
Source link: by Jacqui at
Can You Drink Coffee on a Carnivore Diet? Pros and Cons — The Keto Minimalist

Pros of drinking coffee on a carnivore diet.
Coffee is delicious, drinking it is a calming ritual in the morning, and it makes us feel better. That’s enough for me to include coffee in my meal plan. But here are other reasons you might consider drinking coffee even if you follow a carnivore diet.
Coffee contains zero carbs.
Coffee is carb-free, which makes it a great beverage choice for those following a carnivore diet. It won’t interfere with the diet’s primary focus on animal products.
Coffee increases mental alertness and cognitive function.
If you’re a coffee drinker you know coffee wakes you up! Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, has been shown to enhance cognitive function, improve mood, and increase alertness. This can be especially beneficial if you’re following a diet that may initially cause changes in energy levels, like carnivore or keto. Source.
Coffee contains antioxidants.
Coffee contains antioxidants, which are compounds that help combat oxidative stress in the body. While the carnivore diet is primarily focused on animal products, adding coffee can contribute to your overall antioxidant intake. Source.
Coffee may reduce the risk of neurological disorders.
Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Source.
Coffee may have potential cardiovascular benefits.
Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality. Source.
Coffee may improve liver health.
Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Source.
Coffee may lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Source.
While coffee offers many health benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects, especially when consumed in excess. Here are some common cons or side effects associated with drinking coffee.
RELATED: What Should Women Eat on a Carnivore Diet? FREE Printable Food List
Source link: by The Keto Minimalist at
Air Fryer Crispy Carnivore Chicken Nuggets Recipe

While traditional chicken nuggets are a no-go on a keto diet, these 4-ingredient crunchy chicken nuggets are perfectly keto-friendly AND are perfect for a carnivore diet!
They use canned chicken which I personally love for chicken salad and always have on hand in my pantry. You can mix them up in just minutes and air fry them to a crisp, golden brown for an indulgent lunch or dinner.
If you follow a carnivore diet you can eat the chicken nuggets on their own, or dip in my Easy
If you eat keto or follow a low-carb way of eating, serve with ranch, pico de gallo, sugar-free barbecue sauce, pesto, or blue cheese dressing.
This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. This means if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclosures here.
Source link: by The Keto Minimalist at
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